Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Personalized Baby Bibs and towel

Both were meant for Siti khadijah..

The bibs...
And the towel ....

Both the towel and bibs

Happy viewing.


  1. aah... suka towel dgn applique stroller tu.. cute sgt!!! kalau buat gmabr mek sue pun cantik kan.. aahhh... zila berangan lagi... hehehehehe.. bib pun comel.. mesin aimila bleh buat tulisan curvy2 tak ek?

  2. thanks zila..mesin sy tu blh gak buat tulisan curvy, tp buat masa skrng ni selesa ngan tulisan jenis ni dulu..maklumlah, sy budak baru belajar. hehe..

  3. Time to enjoy, geram jgn tak geram..hehe..anyway, thanks for stopping by.
