Finally the long awaited parcel has arrived!! I was so happy when I received the parcel from mr hubby. It's from Zura of Sewretrochic! I could not wait to see what's inside!!
Ta daaa... awesome stuffs inside!!
Closer view... These are the fabrics - American Cottons. They are from a very wellknown fabric designers - Amy Butler, Dena Designs & Alexander Henry. Wow!! I heart the fabrics soooo much. Many thanx to zura. Very kind of her to let me have those fabrics!!
The felts, buttons, ribbons, animal eyes n 'noses'. I was so lucky to have them. Anything not mention in the stash swap terms I regard it as a suprise which I greatly appreciate. Thanks again to zura.
Big suprise for me!! Really gives me kinda "INSPIRATION". The mag is fabulous. I Love it!! Really do. Suprising.. zura was able to read my mind especially my interest in embroidery.
I really want to say a big thanks to zura for all the good stuffs she has given me. I heart them sooo much. Actually she has given me more than what she is supposed to give!! Do drop by to her place. You will get amaze!!
By the way, I've sent my parcel to my partner Ayu of Sweetlilcraft. I'm not sure whether she has receive it or not. Still awaiting for her response or anything as regard to the matter.
Have a nice weekend!!!
wahhh mesti amilia suka kan... colorful habis.. leh la wat projek best2...
ReplyDeletehi aimila! :)
ReplyDeletethank you for this sweet post! so happy aimila suka stash tu, hope to see beautiful stuff you make with them, you're very talented!
Hani, memang saya rasa gembira sangat sebab berpeluang memiliki stash tu. Rasa berdebar2 pun ada. Takut pulak nak mengahsilkan sesuatu daripada fabrik2 tu. Sayang wooo...
ReplyDeletezura, sangat menghargai pemberian awak yang jelas nyata amat menggembirakan saya. Perasaan gembira saya tu tak tergambar dengan perkataan. Apa yg mampu sy ucapkan hanyalah ucapan 'TERIMA KASIH'bnyk2.